Unlimited simultaneous users for as little as $0.50/book/year!!
AudioBookCloud is an online collection of streaming audio books for public libraries . The collection gives your patrons unlimited 24/7 access to an amazing and growing collection of audio books- with special emphasis on the highly popular romance and mystery genres.

There are no downloads, no waits, no holds, no start up costs, and ZERO charge for new books that get added to the collection every month.
Just click and listen.
AudioBookCloud is an easy, simple and, most importantly, very affordable option for public libraries wanting to offer their patrons unlimited access to audio books.
Nobody likes to wait for a book
With AudioBookCloud, there are no waits.
With internet and wifi becoming more and more ubiquitous, now even on airplanes, the notion and need to download books is also more and more outdated.
A 1 year subscription to AudioBookCloud starts for as little as 50 cents/book/year.

Check it out for yourself

Click here for a Free Trial

Don’t forget to check out TumbleBookLibrary and TeenBookCloud, our databases of eBooks, Enhanced Novels, Graphic Novels, videos, and educator resources for elementary, middle, and high schools!